Category Archives: denim

Foreign Land


Well, it’s finally time to share the outfits that I wore on vacation. Sadly, I didn’t take that many photos as it wasn’t a sight-seeing holiday but more of a lazy around at the beach type of vacation. However, we did go to the cinema a few times (and you know I almost always take cinema outfit photos) and we did also do some shopping, so  I do have a couple outfits lined up to show you.

The first of which was one that I wore out for lunch and some shopping. I’m wearing three favorites: my favorite red Toms  (I absolutely love these shoes and am having difficulty wearing anything else as these are just perfection), my favorite denim jacket (from Mango, I love a dark denim jacket. I’m also thinking of buying one in black. Definitely on my shopping wish list!) and my new favorite bag (it’s from Pull & Bear and I bought it in Dubai).

Continue reading Foreign Land

Spring Awakening


As the weather is finally starting to feel warmer, everything is looking brighter. While little to nothing has really changed (still working on that dreaded thesis paper, had a bad case of writer’s block but after a little break I’ll get right to it, I swear) but somehow, because winter has ended, things are simply better.

This is an outfit I wore this weekend, on Sunday for a family lunch at M’s parents’ flat and then out shopping. I haven’t been out shopping in what felt like FOREVER so I really had fun – I bought some necessities (a bra set and boy short undies; new yoga pants to help motive me into going to the gym more often than just once a week, also two new gym tops as I normally exercise in the most hideous tops imaginable and that certainly doesn’t help the situation), a huge shopper bag for the beach from O’neill, a new swimsuit and a super cute fake leather biker jacket from H&M. So the biker jacket is obviously my favorite purchase and y’all know that I don’t need ANOTHER black (fake) leather jacket to add to my collection, but when I saw it I just knew it had to by mine.

hm biker jacket divided Continue reading Spring Awakening

Where did summer go?

IMG_8546Sorry for being such a bad blogger but it seems that there never is enough time (yet strangely there IS time for reading large amounts of fan fiction regarding a particular pair that I ship, but each to their own). I have a stupid exam next week, one which I am in no way prepared for (typical) and so I should be spending all of my time studying. However, given that I have ignored this blog for way too long, I back with an Outfit August post.

OUTFIT AUGUST Continue reading Where did summer go?

It’s My Birthday, You Missed It.

IMG_8274July 10th is my birthday and we had just gotten back from London the night before, I took an additional day off from work to unwind post holiday. I spent the day lazying about and then in the evening M and I headed out to one of our favorite restaurant for a lovely birthday dinner.

melissa light blue ultragirl flats Continue reading It’s My Birthday, You Missed It.

The last of June

melissa shoes, iron fist bag, topshop gingham skirt, red t-shirt, express jacketAnother belated pre-London-holiday outfit post and it was an outfit that I quite liked. M and I went to do a spot of shopping before our vacation and we also went out to lunch to a burger joint (I had a vegetarian cheese burger but to be honest, I prefer veggie burgers if there are vegetable instead of cheese replacing the meat). I wore one of my favorite Melissa flats and the monochrome look with a pop of color really works for me.

melissa heart flats Continue reading The last of June


IMG_7994Another belated pre-London vacation post, this time featuring a dress turned skirt DIY item. It was originally from Stradivarius, it is really old (bought like 7 years ago?) and since I turned it from a dress into a skirt shortly after purchasing it. I think I wore it as a dress only once as maxi dresses aren’t really my thing. While I like them on others, they very rarely feel like my style. (Currently in my dress collection I have two maxi dresses, both very old but I do occasionally wear them.) So I decided to turn it into a skirt and have worn it a few times, I prefer it like a skirt and am glad that I made the change (if I recall correctly, the dress was really hard to get into anyways).

IMG_7997I wore an old necklace, also from Stradivarius  if I’m not mistaking. This look felt both relaxed with a slight boho vibe but at the same time with a slight edginess to it. I think the maxi skirt with the see-through fabric just does that on it’s own, the exposed yet covered juxtaposition.

Continue reading Boho-edged

I Want to Fly Away

IMG_7852I wore this outfit two weeks ago to M’s nephew’s birthday party. I curled my hair for the event, because I didn’t want to have the same old hairstyle I always wear (actually, I have three that I rotate: hair down, hair in a pony tail or a side braid). I centered this outfit around the bag. It’s from Skinny Dip and it’s the ice cream clutch. Doesn’t fit much but it’s super cute anyways.

skinny dip ice cream clutch Continue reading I Want to Fly Away