Favorites: Henry Holland for Pretty Polly

It’s been a while since I’ve done a favorites post and after I went to see Bill Bailey’s show I had wanted to do a post dedicated to Henry Holland for Pretty Polly tights anyways, so it was just a matter of time before those two ideas met to make this post. henry holland for pretty polly stirup tightsThe Henry Holland for Pretty Polly fake stir up tights. I probably don’t have to say that I LOVE these tights. They are pretty much the perfect pair of tights. They’re durable (they don’t tear), they’re interesting and unique. Now I would say that you definitely need to be careful when styling these. The wrong styling could take these lovely tights from being cool and stylish to looking cheap and whoreish. Here are some ways I’ve worn these tights (and other Henry Holland tights) in the past: Continue reading Favorites: Henry Holland for Pretty Polly

Days of Future Past

ImageI promised you this outfit post yesterday so here it is. So, this is what I wore on Monday night to go see the new X-men movie (which was pretty brilliant but I am definitely bias as I am a fan of the series). I was feeling really burnt out on Monday (after writing my thesis I was completely drained) so I look quite tired in these photos. As for my outfit, I dressed according to my shoes:asos highlight wedge

Continue reading Days of Future Past

The Good and Bad

My thesis writing days aren’t yet over. Only about a third (not even) of what I had written will be used. That’s the bad news. But the good news is, well, I think it’ll be a better paper because it. I took a break yesterday and just slept. It felt like I hadn’t slept for days. I was groggy and unhappy and I needed a break. Then M and I went to see the new X-men movie in the cinema and it was a great night. The film is so fun, I highly recommend seeing it. Today I’m slowly getting back into the swing of things but it won’t be until tomorrow that I really embrace the new direction of the thesis paper. I have all these timelines and deadlines set up, it actually feels like I’m organized for the first time in my life. Anyways, speaking of things planned, I’ll show you yesterday’s cinema outfit in tomorrow’s post, today I have just a few shoe for ya instead:

Image Continue reading The Good and Bad

Thesis Hell

wearing iron fist wedges and skinny jeans and a fake leather jacket

So, in the last four days I wrote my thesis paper. Yes, you read that right. It has hell, it was four days of absolute stress, four days of reading so many papers that all words just lost all their meaning. Frustration, depression, anger. It also was four days when I fell in love with Pride and Prejudice all over again. Reading Austen, or well, reading about reading Austen, has shown me that there is so much more to the novel than meets the eye when you read it for the first time. However, some opinions are just wacko. I wish I could have used that sentence in my paper haha. It was an interesting experience but I must say, I hate the academic style of writing (both reading academic papers and trying to write them). I felt as pretentious as Lady Catherine. One of the funniest parts was when I had too much written M used a Project Runway quote on me (“Use your editing eye.”) He was also a sweetheart, helping me figure out how to make footnotes go from number one in each chapter. Anyways, I spent the whole weekend ball and chained to my computer and didn’t leave the flat save for walking the pig, but I did go out to dinner on Friday night and here’s what I wore.

Iron Fist One hand on the grave wedges Continue reading Thesis Hell

The Bill Bailey Show

rock chick style, leather jacket, henry holland stirup pretty polly tights, studded accessoriesLast Monday M and I went to see Bill Bailey and it was an absolutely great show. We’ve been fans of Black Books for years and have also seen lots of his available material online, so it was such a joy to actually see him live. Not to mention that in the midst of study hell, it was a very welcome break! I had another test to study for (that was written this Wednesday, I don’t know how it turned out yet but I think I did okay).  Now I’m working on my thesis and that’s a whole other story. Guys, I have until Sunday and I’m pretty screwed but I’m trying my best (that’s also why I skipped yesterday’s post.) Then I have a bunch of other exams but back to Monday and the cute little outfit I wore…

Continue reading The Bill Bailey Show

Tomorrow is Today

IMG_2262So here I am on this absolutely beautiful sunny day writing this post that will appear tomorrow about what I wore over the weekend while it was perpetually raining and now it’s lovely out and I’m stuck indoors while I’m getting ready for my exam which is tomorrow. Why does it always have to rain during the weekend?

Continue reading Tomorrow is Today

All the little things

photograph by  jean francois jonvelle
When I’ll be doing after my exams are finished

The results of Friday’s exams have been posted this morning (and yes, I had been checking all weekend) and truth be told, I was terrified of what the results would be. I had the worst feeling about the exam because I had a really crap day Friday. But luckily I passed and I am very very grateful. One down, three to go.

Continue reading All the little things

Ohh La La

Just a quick little post today. Yesterday I had one of my exams, it was a written one so I don’t know how it went, but it wasn’t the pleasantest of days. I had a bit of a fever the day before and kind of just felt like crap, that’s never a good thing. Plus with nerves, well, let’s just say there have been better days. As a little lift, I stopped by Topshop and had a look-see. I couldn’t afford to buy any clothes (though I did spy this gorgeous black and white gingham skirt, swoon) but I did buy this pretty lippy that I have been thinking about buying on and off for about half a year now. I always talked myself out of it thinking that I don’t need another lipstick. But now I’m so happy that I did buy it and that I do have it, yay!

topshop ohh la la Continue reading Ohh La La