Category Archives: fake fur

Mad Max: Furry Road

IMG_7386Last week on Thursday M and I went to see the Mad Max: Fury Road film and we both loved it. It was predictably action packed, which is what we were hoping for, and Charlize Theron is so good in it (so is Tom Hardy, but I really feel the film is all about Furiosa, such a great character btw). I’m pretty sure we’re going to go see it again as it’s one of those films that are better on the big screen. I wore my Stradivarius studded flat ankle boots, because I felt that they were suitable for this film. I love dressing according to the movies we are about to go see. You know, theoretically, if I were to appear in the movie, I wouldn’t want to be wearing heels.stradivarius Flat leather ankle boots with studs Continue reading Mad Max: Furry Road