At the Fair

casual blogger, slouchy tee and skinny jeans, converseOn Saturday M and I went to the annual grape harvest/ wine tasting celebration that takes place near where we live. Luckily the weather was beautiful and it was really nice just sitting at the vineyard drinking burcak (new half-fermented wine also called scrumpy). I picked my outfit for maximum comfort. I think I looked like a teenager. Definitely not my usual outfit but I quite liked it.

low red converse Continue reading At the Fair

Whisky Convention

very veronique asos flower texture black dress, mel toffe apple shoesThis weekend kicked off to a good start with Friday night: M and I went to the annual Prague whisky convention (Whisky Live Prague) and as I was dying to wear my new dress (the one I mentioned in my last post), I wore it to the event. The dress is from Asos and I love love love the texture of the skirt part. I kept the rest of my outfit relatively simple, going all black with some gold detailing (H&M studded belt, Asos left earrings), and as for my shoes…

mel melissa toffee apple black bow Continue reading Whisky Convention


Just a quick post today, I’m off to work and in a rush but here’s what’s going on in my life right this minute:

Currently READING

moranthologyI have been a huge Caitlin Moran fan ever since I read her lovely book How to be a Woman. I’ve had her next book Moranthology on my reading list for quite a long time but never could get to it, finally, as now I am in between exams, I  have some time to read whatever I want, I’ve started reading it. I also have her most recent book How to Build a Girl on my book shelves and it’s in my reading queue.

New  PURCHASEShasbeens creamy whiteI have been lusting after a pair of Swedish Hasbeens for AGES and I finally bought my first pair yesterday. Yeah, I know, obviously I buy a pair of summer clogs right after summer ends, ugh! But anyways, they will wait for me until next year. I really want to get a pair that is all red next time but these are great for the beginning of my Hasbeens clog collection 🙂 Oh and I also bought/swapped a new dress that I’ll hopefully wear either this evening for this weekend so you’ll be seeing it soon.  It’s a LBD from Asos and what makes it really special is the texture of the skirt part of the dress, but more about the dress once I wear it.

Zoo Trip

at the zooOn Saturday M and I went to visit the Prague Zoo. I got to see some of my favorite animals and wear a cute outfit, so I was a happy girl. I went in comfy Melissa flats because a)there was a lot of walking involved and b)it was threatening to rain (and it did in fact rain while we were having lunch). The shoes in question are Melissa Doris Spike t-bar flats in red. I really like these shoes. I’m a sucker for red shoes in general but I also absolutely love studs on shoes, so of course I love these shoes. Plus they are also really comfy!

melissa doris spiked Continue reading Zoo Trip

The Devil’s in the Details

iron fist devil shoesFriday night M and I went to have drinks and then to a club with some friends. I chose my outfit accordingly – I wanted to be comfortable enough to be able to dance and I also needed to be wearing flats as I knew we would be going from place to place and I didn’t want to be staggering on my heels in Prague city center aka cobble stone land. My absolute favorite thing about this outfit are the shoes:

soul devil iron fist shoes Continue reading The Devil’s in the Details

Leopard Print Flats

blink mouse leopard printSo, leopard print flats are one of my favorite types of flat shoes. I think they can take an outfit further than regular black flats, which I otherwise would constantly be wearing. The shoes pictured above are one of my favorites. They are by Blink and I love the cutesy bow and mouse face on the toe of the shoes – just adorable. You’ve seen them on this blog before:

photo 1

Continue reading Leopard Print Flats

Leopard Print Heels

Yesterday’s shoe purchase post got me thinking about leopard print shoes. Leo print is one of my all-time favorites on shoes. It is almost a “neutral” in my book. I counted that I have 29 pairs of leopard print shoes in my current collection. Anyways, I thought it would  be nice to do a sort of tribute to/flashback of my leopard print shoes.

Let’s start with one of my favorites:

miss selfridge leopard print heelsThese shoes are from Miss Selfridge and I got them in 2011 when we were on vacation in London (I bought 14 pairs of shoes on that trip, crazy.) I’ll be honest and say they aren’t the most comfortable shoes in the world, but they are still amazing.

P4190039 Continue reading Leopard Print Heels

Change Your Spots

iron fist change your spots studded heelsJust a quick post today but I wanted to share my latest shoe purchase. Yup, another pair of Iron Fist shoesies. These are the “Change Your Spots” pointed toe courts. The pointed toes of these leopard print courts are covered in gold studs and you know I love me some studs. I stopped by my local IF store and there they were, in my size, on sale, begging me to give them a chance. I thought to myself, why not, anyways, I tried them on, fell in love, and now they’re mine. I also love the soles of these shoes – so cute.

iron fist change your spots heels bottom


Sin City

blogger outfit: skinny jeans, baseball jacket, polkadot bag and studded shoesSo we actually went to see “Sin City: A Dame to Kill for” earlier than I had hoped because my bestie called and we made a date of it and went shopping beforehand and then M met us at the cinema. I originally planned on wearing heels but in the end, I went for a casual outfit. Still not feeling my best and all that. Anyways, I usually like to coordinate my outfits with the movie I’m going to go see so I would have worn an all black and white outfit with some red detailing, and I almost stayed true to that notion, with the exception of my jeans being a dark blue. The most interesting part of my outfit is my Realitee t-shirt, which features a graphic print of New York City:

Realitee (for Topshop) New York City t-shirt, graphic print, skyscrapers Continue reading Sin City