Category Archives: express

The last of June

melissa shoes, iron fist bag, topshop gingham skirt, red t-shirt, express jacketAnother belated pre-London-holiday outfit post and it was an outfit that I quite liked. M and I went to do a spot of shopping before our vacation and we also went out to lunch to a burger joint (I had a vegetarian cheese burger but to be honest, I prefer veggie burgers if there are vegetable instead of cheese replacing the meat). I wore one of my favorite Melissa flats and the monochrome look with a pop of color really works for me.

melissa heart flats Continue reading The last of June


This outfit came together on the basis of pairing neutrals together, I wanted to wear this beige dress (I’ll edit this post on Friday to add the product photos) and thought it looked good with the brown  jacket and the studded accessories. The dress was ordered on Asos (about three years ago) and the brand is called Angel Eye London. My belt is super old and from H&M and it came with a skirt, I love this belt and wear it very often. My jacket is from Express and my shoes are Zara. The outfit is from the 20th of June, I’ve been a bit behind on blogging. I wore it to the cinema to see Jurassic World. The movie was okay, I like the actors in it so that helped. Definitely wouldn’t go see it again but was a fun night. And I ship Owen and Claire. ❤️

zara collection studded slipper flats frontI’m currently on holiday in London so that makes things even more hectic than usual with the blogging and all. But so far my holiday has been very nice. I’ll be posting about it on Friday probably. I have a few more belated outfit posts to show you until then… 

Current Favorites

IMG_7744Sometimes I wear an outfit that consists of favorite pieces and it makes that outfit really special. I have a lot of “favorites” but these are favorites in the truest sense. The shoes are from Melissa (definitely my favorite shoe brand ever) and they are the tangerine bow flats (I also have them in black and in yellow). I wear the black ones the most but I think these red ones are my favorite. Something about red shoes just makes me instantly happy.

mel tangerine red bow Continue reading Current Favorites