A Week of Red Shoes

4 pairs of red shoes

Okay, so it’s not a full week, but I was so excited about it that I couldn’t wait to show you the new feature on this blog. Once in a while I’ll do a week of specific shoes: red shoes, green shoes, Melissa shoes, you get the idea. Anything that there’s enough of in my collection to wear for one week straight without repeating shoes. Though obviously I cheated here – not only is this not a full week but I did wear other pairs of shoes as well. I’ll get to that in a moment. But first, let’s take a look at the shoes:

Continue reading A Week of Red Shoes

Favorites: The Shoe Edition

lanvin for H&M

In this issue of Favorites we take a look back to some of my favorite shoe moments from 2014. It won’t be a complete best-of list as some of the shoes from my collection haven’t been worn yet this year, but close enough. March in particular was fruitful, or well shoeful, it had been a very good month mainly due to the lack of snow or ice we had this year. I’m willing to say it was the best winter ever!

leopard print and lanvin for H&M

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It’s like eating a Killer Cupcake

what to  weaar with iron fist wedgesI can’t believe it’s Tuesday already, time sure is flying by lately! These photos are from Sunday and I wore this outfit to a family lunch. The day was absolutely beautiful and so all I needed was my favorite cropped fake leather jacket and a pair of  girly shoes:

iron fist oh no wedge

Continue reading It’s like eating a Killer Cupcake

Curly Girly

photo 2(3)This past week has been busy – besides the usual schedule I had a photo-shoot on Wednesday (it was fun to get dolled up and get my hair curled). I then decided to keep my hair the same way, for the past few days (I just didn’t touch it and there was enough hair spray in it to last forever).

Curly girly Continue reading Curly Girly

Rainy Day Blues

pink rain boots

It’s on rainy days especially that I like to brighten things up and have fun with my outfits. It’s because when it’s dull and grey outside, I don’t want to add to the dullness and greyness. I also love to wear bright pink, stripes and an interesting (floral) print – not necessarily all together but hey, why not?


The outfit above was worn only to walk Mr. Pig and consists of one of my favorite  swapped tops, which I often lounge in at home, a pair of crazy leggings from the Versace for H&M limited edition, the sweater is super old and is from H&M, the scarf is also H&M, I have no idea where the socks are from – actually I think I may have stolen these from M after they shrunk in the washing machine.  And the fun bright rain boots are from Gate.

The photo below is of another outfit, I wore this to work and had actually just bought that umbrella because it was raining so hard and I always forget to bring an umbrella. I needed a new one anyways, as M had lost my pale pink almost beige Topshop one that I had lent him. This one is from Sixx and is more pink and more coral so I like it more. The shoes I had just swapped that day, I don’t know what brand they are  but I  love the colors and  was happy to change into them as the rain was particularly brutal that day (and a pair of jelly shoes is always better in the rain than a pair of leather ballerina flats). Oh and the red dress is a recent purchase from Asos.

Jelly shoes on a rainy day

Continue reading Rainy Day Blues

Favorites: Vol. 4

In this issue of Favorites we return to April 2010.

very veroniqueMidzu foceni saty Monikk

These photos were for the L’Oreal Colour Trophy competition. The photos were taken by Midzu Gombitova; Dagmar Popova did my hair (and playsuit and dress are MONIKK).

very vera

Continue reading Favorites: Vol. 4

Favorite Make-up Looks: Vol. 1

natural make-up look

On most days I go for the no make-up”  make-up look: just a bit of foundation or bb cream, a light dusting of shimmery powder and a little bit of eye shadow (with which I either help add a bit of sparkle to my eyes or I use a bit of medium brown shadow to define my eyebrows).  If I’m feeling a bit more adventurous (e.g. less lazy) I do  a cat eye using liquid or gel eyeliner for my eyes (I actually only use mascara at night, because that’s way too much effort for a daytime look, haha).  I love that there are so many ways to wear a cat eye:

eye liner styles

Continue reading Favorite Make-up Looks: Vol. 1