Files of New: the pregnant parka

IMG_4810One of my most recent purchases, I bought this parka the week we returned from New York. I stopped by my closest H&M and was looking for those dungarees but alas they still didn’t have them (will they ever?) I wasn’t too upset though because I came across this lightweight parka. I instantly fell inn love. I liked the color, I liked the shape of the hood, I liked the pockets and most of all, I liked the high-low hem line. If done right I really like a slightly longer hem line in the back. Ever since I bought it I have been wearing this parka nonstop (well, until it got way too cold to wear it, which happened this week.) Funnily enough, when I was looking for a product picture on the H&M website and I couldn’t find it, I then figured out that it is actually from the MAMA line and is intended for pregnant ladies. Ehm.

h&m mama parkaSo I now lovingly call it my pregnant parka. I laughed at myself but it doesn’t make me love this parka any less than before (on the contrary, if I’m ever pregnant at least I’ll have something to continue to wear, win-win.)

IMG_4808The photos above are from the 18th of October and I wore the outfit to lunch and to a food market to buy fresh vegetables. I also wore the park (and my Mango bag) on the 21st when we went to have dinner at this vegetarian restaurant. The place was okay but I prefer other restaurants (my all-time favorite vegetarian restaurant in Prague is Radost FX).

IMG_4859Speaking of files of new, I also wore my newish Melissa Marine flats. (I swapped them.) They’re great, I really love them, but I must admit it was a tad too cold for them already (though I am glad I wore them as I know I won’t get another chance this year).

melissa marine blueIMG_4862You can see the shoes better in this photo and the parka doesn’t look pregnant 🙂 Have a great weekend everyone!

9 thoughts on “Files of New: the pregnant parka”

    1. I know, I was so surprised when I got home and couldn’t find it on the website, then I looked on the inside of the parka and saw the MAMA tag and I was like – duh. So that’s why I can’t find it. It is very comfy 😀

  1. Haha, I was reading so fast, because I thought you were about to announce something because of that title. Wow, it doesn’t look overly roomy for a pregnant tummy though does it? Have to be one of those barely there, tidy, little bumps!!

    1. Ha! I didn’t even think of that. Funny. But alas thank goodness, there is definitely still time for that. And I agree, it would be for a very tin teeny bump that’s for sure! (And I bet that if I ever am preggers, I’ll be huge.)

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