Back from the Dead

very veronique

Life has been pretty hectic lately, but then again it seems that I always say that. This is an outfit from last weekend – M and I met up with a friend and we hung out, grabbed lunch, went to a book store (bought myself a pretty awesome book, more about that later) and did a spot of sightseeing. It was a lovely day and I was also quite pleased with my outfit, though to be honest it was a bit cold out for it. Spring, where are you? I’m totallly ready for ya.

My outfit consisted of my favorite coat, green’s my favorite color as I have green eyes and this cold is a couple of years old from Asos and I absolutely love it. I wore a ripped pair of skinny jeans and a cute pair of socks from Topshop. I love fun socks! My shoes are super old and they are a pair of Zara Woman brogues.


Most of the clothes that make up this outfit are oldies but goldies. I actually haven’t bought any fashion related things since January or maybe even before. I’ve only been shopping for Lush (but much less than I usually do as I’m saving up for my vacation spending) and books. I’m always up for buying books.

ship of theseus vm straka

The book S. by Doug Dorst and J.J.Abrams is actually two books in one. First there is the Ship of Theseus by fictional author V.M.Straka and then there is added commentary by two readers: hand-written notes in the book’s margins as a dialogue between two college students trying to uncover the author’s mysterious identity and the novel’s secret plus loose supplementary materials tucked in between pages. It’s a work of art and I love it.

JJAbramstheseus inside

So far I haven’t had time to read it (only the foreword that is written by F.X. Caldeira, described as Straka’s chosen translator for many of his books. He also adds footnotes throughout the book) because I’m supposed to be finishing up my thesis paper, but I am very much looking forward to delving deeper into this mystery. Oh, while we were out and about, we visited this little coffee shop (I have a soy milk latte) and they had THE CUTEST garden dwarf there. I’m in love.


2 thoughts on “Back from the Dead”

  1. I love the pop of green! I love green at this time of year especially. The book looks AMAZING! Happy to see your face again. 🙂

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